Asked & Answered: Everything You Need To Know About HelloFresh Meal Kits

Asked & Answered: Everything You Need To Know About HelloFresh Meal Kits

HelloFresh is The Dinnertime Hack Millennials Love

Scrolling through Instagram, you see plate after plate of delicious dinner. It’s Wednesday. Something about it just doesn’t make sense. How do all of your friends have the time to make food during the week?

The secret is the meal kit!

Most people think that meal kits are a huge commitment, but it’s actually designed to simplify your lifestyle by encouraging you to cook. A quick Google search shows you HelloFresh, a meal kit that is designed to help people eat healthy without having to cook from scratch.

Intrigued but don’t know where to start? Here are your most burning questions answered.

What Exactly Is A Meal Kit Delivery Company?

Meal Kit Delivery companies like HelloFresh send you a box with recipes and pre-portioned ingredients so you can make home-cooked meals without trekking to the grocery store or measuring out ingredients. Their aim is to streamline the cooking process and provide a variety of meals every week. This means you won’t be cooking the same-old boring pasta, or relying on takeout for a decent dinner.

Why Do People Use It?

Plenty of people are traditional shoppers, who go to the grocery store, look up recipes online, and cook, but for many of that’s not a realistic option. If it’s a choice between one hour of cooking or a takeout, some of us might choose takeout five days a week for the sheer sake of convenience. However, HelloFresh organizes the prep so all you have to do is throw it together in just 30 minutes. There’s a sense of achievement in a home-cooked meal that you just can’t get with takeout.

Is It Healthy?

Good question! Not only are the meals wholesome, but you can see the nutritional information and ingredients when choosing your recipes each week. Each recipe has three to four different fruits, vegetables, and greens. Plus HelloFresh gives you a range of different recipes to choose from every week, so you are never bored.

How Long Do The Meals Take To Cook?

30 minutes. No, really; we’ve tested it out on multiple occasions and while the cooking time varies for most companies, we found HelloFresh meals actually take around 30 minutes. That includes everything from start to finish, prep to the table. they also have a Quick and Easy plan where meals cook in approximately 20 minutes. The same time it takes for takeout to arrive, HelloFresh allows you to learn new cooking skills and eat better. It’s a win-win in our book.

How Much Does It Cost?

The important part. HelloFresh costs $9.69 per meal, (there’s a vegetarian and pescatarian plan, too). For us, it’s a fantastic value as we spend a fortune on takeout and this way we can eat things like steak or salmon on a Tuesday night. It also eliminates the food waste associated with doing a big grocery shop and then throwing away half of your purchases.

Subscription? Am I Locked In?

No way! Everyone has a flexible lifestyle and HelloFresh knows this. You are never committed and can skip a delivery or cancel at any time which makes things super easy. You get a login where you can choose your recipes, select your delivery day, and skip or cancel if necessary.

Seems Like You’re a Fan. Why?

I am, a big fan! It’s such a convenient service and instead of stressing over dinner, I have everything I need delivered to me and ready to go. I’ve learned so many new things and actually enjoy cooking now. I’m also being super healthy without even trying thanks to all the fresh ingredients.

3 months in and I just couldn’t be happier with it. Give it a shot, you can thank me later!

Update: The folks at HelloFresh are extending a special offer to our readers! Follow This Link To Get Up To 20 Free Meals Including Free Shipping