The World’s Top 5 Most Intense Food Fight Traditions

Sometimes you just have to let the tomatoes fly.
In a world where food is expected to stay on our plates, throwing food at other humans is a radical act of defiance. Food fights are absurd, joyful, exuberant disruptions of normal life—and in some places around the world, they’re annual events. Our sympathies lie with whoever has to clean this up, but the pictures sure are dazzling.
1. Clean Monday Flour Wars (Galaxidi, Greece)
<p>Normally a quiet resort town, things go a little haywire in Galaxidi during carnival season. Inhabitants of this town have developed a tradition of throwing massive quantities of flour at each other each year, leading to one of the world’s largest food fights and most entertainingly carnivalesque affairs. A similar flour festival happens in <a href=”http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/food/2016-09/02/content_26678844_7.htm#Contentp” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Ukraine</a> each year, so you have options.</p>

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- biggest food fights
- clean monday
- eggs and flour
- flour fight
- flour wars
- food fight la
- food fight traditions
- food fights
- food fights around the world
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