Who knew that bathrooms could be tourist destinations? One shouldn't rely on these toilets in the event of an emergency, as they put the "oy!" in "toilet," and are, for the most part, extremely inconvenient. Still, they remain a curious sight to see. While the thought of using them induces anxiety, for the sole purpose of gawking and trying to rationalize how to use them, these interesting bathrooms are worth taking a look at. Here are the strangest bathrooms from around the world.
The Disappearing Bathroom
Designed as a series by the Italian company Rapsel, it's best not to try and use this bathroom in an emergency situation. The washbasin, toilet, and shower tray are all hidden beneath folding wooden shelves and benches, and disappear after use. The result is a sleek transformation from bathroom to multipurpose room, but many find the bathroom's antics unnecessary. "You can put the most beautiful shade of lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," said one critic.